Narikaton and Darnussia

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Re: Darnussian Broadcasting Service

Postby TheNewGuy » Fri Jul 10, 2015 6:54 pm

Meet the NPD
- First look at Narikaton's newest party
- Gerald Steube, business man and party leader, wants to "change the political landscape"
- Narikaton's first contested elections in years will soon be a reality


In December 3870, less than sixteen percent of voters in Narikaton turned out to cast a ballot. No one ran for the office of Chancellor. No one. Not even a write in vote. Both parties that contested that election, confusingly mapped in Narik press with the same color (a necrotic black) indicating their electoral victories, have passed into the annals of history.

In 3876, the Nationalistische Partie Darnussia has promised to change all of that.

Armed with a political manifesto crafted to appeal specifically mainland-Darnussians and designed to appeal to freedom loving patriots after centuries of poor governance, NPD leader Gerald Steube and his party plan to do "big things" in the former Imperial Commonwealth.

Steube is the former CEO of the largest steel manufactory on mainland Darnussia, Stahlwerke Red Stad, a company he has driven to record profits for each of the past five years. His success in leading the Steelworks will translate directly to success as a national leader, at least according to the NDP. Steube recently announced that he will vie for the position of Chancellor in the upcoming election. In Narikaton's current government structure, the position is one of unrivaled importance both internationally and domestically. Steube has promised that he and his party will "change the political landscape" of the Republic. The NPD has presented itself as a party of social conservatism, fiscal liberalism, and international interaction. It has also made a restoration of the status of Darnussia (and not just Narikaton) a priority. These are values very likely to be favored by mainlanders.

It is likely that the NPD will not find many fast friends amongst the three other parties so far registered to compete in 3876.

The Communist Party seems likely to be a steadfast rival for the NDP. The Eco-Left, affectionately termed the "Watermelons," will likely not take kindly to the idea of a steelworks CEO at the helm of the nation. The Centrist-Left Alliance may be a key ally for the NPD: their early position statements align nearly half the time, hinting that cooperation might be possible. Steube says that cooperation may not even be necessary, though.

"The NPD will, of course, work with other parties when we can. But we will not allow communist Utopian idealism to cloud our response to the real issues that Darnussians face today. We represent the interest of Darnussians, and the Darnussians will flock to the polls in support of our party. We will be given a mandate to govern, with or without the cooperation of the other parties."
I once was full of promise. Oops.
The artist formerly known as Zanz, Troll King, Scourge of Dynastia and Confidant of IdioC
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Re: Darnussian Broadcasting Service

Postby TheNewGuy » Tue Jul 14, 2015 12:06 am

OOC: Disclaimer - my party was Darnus nationalist prior to the election, where we won heavily in Narik-culture provinces. I'm going to pretend my party was Narik nationalist since the start, and will RP as such moving forward.

NPN wins favor at the polls
- Nationalist Party of Narikaton wins over 32% of votes
- Van Rompay "worried" about Communist influence
- Chancellorship to the Communists


Nearly fifty million people turned out to vote in Narikaton's first contested election in years, and nearly one in three cast a ballot in favor of the Nationalist Party of Narikaton (NPN), allowing the new party to snatch a plurality of seats in the National Assembly.

The NPN saw a significant win in particular on the island province of Clenon, where over two thirds of votes cast were in support of the Narik Nationalists.

The election for Chancellor went to a second round of voting, where Watermelon support for the Communist candidate Willy Hauptman was enough to see the defeat of NPN leader Ewout Van Rompay, 54% to 46%. The Eco-Left endorsement of Chancellor-elect Hauptman was expected by some experts, but still drew the derision of the vanquished Van Rompay, who said that that "collusion of the the ecological extremists and the communist fringe have me worried for the safety of the Republic." It is believed by NPN analysts that Van Rompay could be a strong candidate in the next election, where he will have more time to expound upon his views and to prepare for leftist propaganda.

Shortly following the election the NPN announced a proposed coalition government with the Centrist Core (CK/M). It is unclear whether the CK/M will support the proposal, but if they do, it will have enough votes to carry - barely. The coalition government would see the CK/M occupy important domestic positions like the Internal Affairs and Justice ministries while leaving external affairs to the NPN, a hint that Nationalist inclinations are apparently more toward reengaging with Terra as a whole.
I once was full of promise. Oops.
The artist formerly known as Zanz, Troll King, Scourge of Dynastia and Confidant of IdioC
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Re: Darnussian Broadcasting Service

Postby TheNewGuy » Tue Jul 14, 2015 7:17 pm

NPN-CK/M government proposal fails due to Chancellor's opposition
- Majority government denied by the whims of one man
- Van Rompay calls upon Chancellor to "form a government"
- Deputy Leader of the NPN "afraid the Chancellorship lacks adequate oversight"

Vaguely government-y stock photo

The Nationalist Party of Narikaton (NPN) saw its proposed government coalition with the Centrist Core (CK/M) fail after opposition from Communist Chancellor Willy Hauptman. The Chancellor's approval is mandatory under current Republican law that grants the Head of State duties as Head of Government, as well, a law that the NPN criticized as "ripe for abuse." Deputy Leader Liesbeth Maessen, speaking at a press conference in Merenbürg, said that she is "afraid the Chancellorship lacks adequate oversight" and that it has thus become "unaccountable."

Chancellor Hauptman was elected in the second round of the recent election over NPN candidate and leader Ewout Van Rompay, who has called upon the Chancellor to either "form a government or approve the mandate of the NPN and the CK/M to govern." No response has yet been made by the Chancellor's office.

Many believe that the NPN will soon introduce legislation which will seek to separate the offices of Head of State and Head of Government. The title of Chancellor would be used for the Head of Government, and it would be a position chosen with the majority support of the legislature, while the title of Alborsch/Albor, already used when the Chancellor serves in his role as Head of State, would be directly elected by the people of the Republic. This will likely be portrayed as a matter of practicality - the Albor should have his focus in protecting the people of the Republic and in representing Narikaton and Darnussia abroad, while the Chancellor should focus on the day to day matters of governance and domestic affairs. It is unclear whether the other parties of the Republic will support such a proposal, but, were it to have been the law of the land already, the NPN-CK/M cabinet would have passed, and an NPN Chancellor would likely have been empowered. It remains to be seen if the Communists will use their current position of relative power to attempt to drive a government that includes them against the apparent wishes of the Nationalists.
I once was full of promise. Oops.
The artist formerly known as Zanz, Troll King, Scourge of Dynastia and Confidant of IdioC
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Re: Darnussian Broadcasting Service

Postby TheNewGuy » Wed Jul 22, 2015 1:15 am

'Island Awakening' strategy announced by Ministry of Foreign Affairs
- FM Liesbeth Maessen to tour several key foreign states
- Narikaton and Darnussia to pursue alliances, become active in Artanian Union and CSCO
- The Republic must 'combat Ahmadist and Communist extremism'

Foreign Ministry of the Republic of Narikaton and Darnussia

The government of the Republic has announced a new foreign affairs strategy tonight, dubbed "Island Awakening." Foreign Minister Liesbeth Maessen (NPN) stated that this will be the most significant international effort from Narikaton and Darnussia in recent memory.

  • The Republic announced a new team of representatives to the Artanian Union, filling its rightful positions on the Artanian Commission, the Investment Bank, etc.
  • The Republic announced a new team of representatives to the Collective Security and Cooperation Organization, fillings its rightful positions therein.
  • The Republic expressed its open interest in reengaging with foreign states, both major powers and its neighbors. FM Maessen expressed specific interest in engaging with delegates from Dorvik, Zardugal, Indrala, Vanuku, Trigunia, and each of the Republic's neighboring states (Beluzia, Luthori, Hobrazia, Malivia, Pontesi, and Beiteynu).
  • The Republic pledged itself to combating Ahmadist and Communist extremism throughout Terra, reminding the world of its own history of suffering at the hands of Communist extremists. It also expressed its concern at recent Communist successes in nearby Beluzia and Mordusia, and expressed its concern for the state of human rights in those states.

The Foreign Minister will engage in a tour of several of these states soon, according to a statement released by her office, most likely beginning with a visit to Dorvik.
I once was full of promise. Oops.
The artist formerly known as Zanz, Troll King, Scourge of Dynastia and Confidant of IdioC
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Re: Darnussian Broadcasting Service

Postby TheNewGuy » Sun Jul 26, 2015 10:04 pm

NPN, looking to "address the economy," offers new government
- Kern offered the Finance Ministry
- "Island Awakening" foreign policy to continue in full force
- Elections show continuing divide between Narikaton and Darnussia

Finance Ministry of the Republic of Narikaton and Darnussia

According to experts at Karav Financial Services, the economy of Narikaton and Darnussia has been subject for some years to sustained inflation tied to the large deficit, now more than 250 billion Darnussian Rupan per year. This inflation has increasingly made life more difficult for the people of the Republic, and has lead to two consecutive elections where the Nationalist Party of Narikaton (NPN) and the Core (K), in government together, have lost seats in the Rijksdag to the Communist Party of Darnussia (CPD). The NPN, leader of the government, has now announced that it will reallocate seats to grate the Core more power to enact fiscal reforms, something it has expressed interest in doing for some time.

"The Core are our valued partners," said Kanselier Xander Aveskamp (NPN) in a press conference today, "and they have valuable and reasonable ideas with which to address our economic struggles. We wish to work with them into the future, and so we are empowering them to offer changes to our spending structure and to our tax structure in order to heal this nation and to bring prosperity and abundance back to the Republic."

Though the Kanselier suggested that tax reform would likely have to be part of any new budgetary plan, it is understood that the Nationalists will likely favor cuts to spending over tax hikes.

The move reshuffles several cabinet seats but sees the CPD once again left in opposition. Nationalist candidate Ewout Van Rompay defeated incumbent Communist Albor Willy Hauptman and became the first Nationalist Albor since the party's foundation. Van Rompay's position was only won with the second round backing of the Core, and his victory is seen as a victory in particular for the foreign policy aims the government announced as "Island Awakening" not long ago. In the period since the announcement, Foreign Minister Liesbeth Maessen (NPN) has traveled to Dorvik, Indrala, Vanuku and Zardugal and has made "significant strides" toward normalizing relations with those states and ensuring solid foundations for relations into the future. Most notably, the policy has lead to the possibility of a significant reduction in tariffs with Zardugal, which, if it passes soon, experts believe would do a great deal to combat the rising prices of Republican goods by creating an influx of Zardugali goods and by opening a previously closed market for Republican exports.

In a similar vein the government has expressed its concern at the rising "red tide of communism" in neighboring Beluzia. The government has declined to send any representative of the Republic to the funeral of communist leader Grand Consul Thorne whose role in the recent Beluz Revolution made him a "terrorizer of humanity, an opponent of freedom, and a murderer" in the expressed opinion of the government. It is believed that the Republican government does not much care for or understand the nature of Beluzian politics, but instead intends for its comments on communism and Grand Consul Thorne to be interpreted as its semi-official opinion on its Communist opposition in Darnussia.
I once was full of promise. Oops.
The artist formerly known as Zanz, Troll King, Scourge of Dynastia and Confidant of IdioC
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Re: Voice of Narikaton

Postby MichaelReilly » Mon Jul 27, 2015 4:28 pm

- Communist General Secretary calls out 'complete over-saturation of Narikis' in the cabinet.
- Attacks increasing economic and political segregation between the islands and the mainland.
- Warns of the 'dark history' of previous ethnic conflict in Darnussia and Narikaton and calls ethnic nationalism 'a poison'.


GENERAL SECRETARY of the Communist Party Willy Hauptman has lashed out at the government in unprecedented fashion, accusing them of 'sowing the seeds of ethnic dispute' in Darnussia. He attacked the 'complete over-saturation of Narikis' in the cabinet, noting only one ethnic Kozer held a position in the government. In his speech to the Rijksdag/Reichstag, he referred to several aspects of government policy and conduct that pointed to government neglect of the mainland, including the appointment of ministers, the allocation of funds as well as matters as trivial as choice of terminology:

"The governments blatant attacks on the Kozer people and the Mainland are, quite frankly, disgraceful. Has the government not learned from our country's dark history that this continued abuse and neglect of the mainland people is only helping to sow the seeds of ethnic dispute in our united nation? How can it be acceptable for only one native Darnus speaker to hold a position in the cabinet, when they in fact make up forty per cent of our unique country? They should be promoting brotherhood and unity and yet they only seem to be alienating their mainland brothers, making them feel neglected and unwanted in their own homeland. Shame on the government! Shame on the nationalists!"

He went on to point out that the government has on more than one occasion released statements only in the Narik language, and used Narik-only terms for the head of state and the legislature, deeply offending the mainland peoples. He called the ethnic nationalism of the Narikatonite Nationalists 'a poison', and urged them to look to the past to see the immense suffering of the Darnussian people that had resulted from it. He ended by calling for ethnic unity, but reminded the government that this unity must include inclusion of their Kozer brothers.
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Re: Voice of Narikaton

Postby TheNewGuy » Mon Jul 27, 2015 11:18 pm

One-on-one with Kanselier Aveskamp
- Interview with the Chancellor
- NPN/K coalition will "set the tone for many years"
- Domestic and international Communism "great threats"

Kanselier Xander Aveskamp of the Nationalist Party of Narikaton sat down today with the Voice's political correspondant Bartholomäus Schuttmann in Merenbürg.

Bartholomäus Schuttmann: Kanselier, thank you for taking the time to speak with me.

Kanselier Xander Aveskamp: It's a pleasure to be here, I believe transparency in government is paramount, and the Voice of Narikaton does an excellent job keeping us honest.

BS: We'll start with the immediate - former Communist Albor Willy Hauptman recently accused your government of quote 'sowing the seeds of ethnic dispute' by underrepresenting the Kozari minority in your new government. Is there any truth to this?

KXA: Frankly, no, and I resent the accusation. My government is comprised of the best people from my own Nationalist Party and our close friends in the Core. Our parties were elected with a mandate to govern - twice - and former Albor Hauptman seems simply to resent his loss to Albor Van Rompay. He never brought up such issues before he was ousted. I'd point out, also, that Herr Hauptman is truly the one creating ethnic divide by implying that Nariki ministers will, for some reason, be unable to act reasonably and professionally and instead will place some imaginary ethnic allegiance above the good of the Republic as a whole. He is wholly wrong. I have every confidence in each of my ministers.

BS: He does rightly point out that your own party, the NPN, seems to favor releasing press snippets in Nariki and not in Darnus... He called your party a 'poison' - any significance to that?

KXA: I believe Herr Hauptman's rage exists primarily, as I said, as a manifestation of his disappointment at his recent loss at the polls. He bears much resemblance to an animal backed into a corner - he feels his ground slipping beneath him and he resorts to saying what many of his constituents want to hear. The Communist constituency - and I'll likely be called an 'ethnic extremist' for this - is verifiably located primarily on the Mainland, and now that the Communist constituency is questioning the CPD's ability to represent their real interests Herr Hauptman and his friends resort to appealing to the emotions and slinging charges of racism and extremism at us. They'll suffer at the polls when they find that the Kozari men and women they seek to rile up are much too smart for their base drivel. The NPN/K coalition will set the tone for many years, and Herr Hauptman is only helping.

BS: Your government has been outspoken in its eagerness to fight extremism. Can you elaborate?

KXA: We face a very real threat both domestically and abroad from Communist and Ahmadist extremism. We've all read with horror of what's occurring in Cildania. Our Dorvish brothers and sisters are drawn closer and closer into war to help protect freedom in that place. But extremism is not so distant, and we are not so safe as some would appear to assume. Our own nation is threatened without provocation by the so-called Soldiers of the Peoples' Dawn in Beluzia, and the communist Beluz government seems entirely willing to look the other way. Our country shares a long border with Beluzia and it will be an important task for us moving forward to ensure the safety and security of Republican citizens. Our southern border, too, is shared with a communist regime. We are surrounded, but we have been and will remain strong. The government is working swiftly to bolster our military and to ferret out deception. Unfortunately there are those even within the Rijksdag who are working to foment anarchy in the Republic. The Communists recently introduced a dangerous and unparalleled bill which would have allowed them to start arming paramilitaries without regulation, loyal to the Communist secretariat and to nothing else. There can be no logical explanation for the Communists' proposal except that they seek to cause harm to this nation. Fortunately the government is vigilant, and with help from our allies in the Core we have thwarted their plans. But we must remain vigilant.

BS: Kanselier, we're out of time. Thank you again for being here.

KXA: Thank you.
I once was full of promise. Oops.
The artist formerly known as Zanz, Troll King, Scourge of Dynastia and Confidant of IdioC
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Re: Voice of Narikaton

Postby Sir Thomas Hill » Tue Jul 28, 2015 3:00 pm

- As much as 145bn DR set to be cut from Government Departments.
- Kern say this will represent "56% of the total structural deficit valued at just over 250bn DR overall"
- Interior and Justice Ministries reduced to "skeleton staff".


MERENBURG - The Finance Secretary Henrik van der Beek has unveiled the Government's first budget proposal to a mixed reaction from commentators and the political classes. Kern had set out before the election a desire to tackle the national deficit however the Finance Secretary's first proposal took even the most fiscally conservative pundits by surprise. The cuts being made represent only 56% of the Government's total deficit however add up to an eye-watering 145bn DR in savings.

Speaking to the legislature this morning, the Finance Secretary, now nicknamed "Henrik Holzfäller" by pundits and political commentators, asked members of the house to account for various statutory requirements mandated by laws passed throughout the last parliament. He even took into account the expected passing of the Military Bill that his own party, of which he has recently been appointed Deputy Leader, oppose. Mr van der Beek also asked legislatures to take into account the huge amounts of damage that years of anarchist rule had done.

The largest savings come from the dramatic reduction in the role and structure of the Interior and Justice Ministries which Mr. van der Beek claims will have to adjust to operating on a "skeleton staff". Kern points to the lack of consensus in creating a national police force as a reason for this cut. This area is the major criticism for many political commentators and grassroots activists who say that Mr. van der Beek is taking advantage of the political climate to justify huge savings. They claim it will be impossible to raise a fund to pay for a police force if the budget passes.

However Kern have been quick to downplay the cuts and said that their strategy also includes investment including 5bn DR to both Healthcare and Education, 2bn DR to each Science and Finance, around 1bn DR to each Industry and Defence and 600m to Housing.

Newly elected leader of Kern, Health Secretary Jaap Joosten, said that the Core were putting "focus on a mixed strategy of cutting inefficient bloated civil services, investing in key strategic areas of the economic recovery and rebalancing an unfair tax system." He said that ultimately the strategy would be "valued for the core part that Kern are playing in the national recovery".
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Re: Darnussian Broadcasting Service

Postby TheNewGuy » Wed Jul 29, 2015 11:07 pm

Sanctions on Beluzia fail in the Rijksdag, 'Communist sabotage,' says gov't
- Government to take limited action, but major sanctions fail to garner 2/3rds of Rijksdag
- 'All of Artania' faces the threat of international communism
- Communist Party of Darnussia 'has no respect for human rights'

Nationalist and Core legislators were frustrated by Communist resistance to sanctions on Beluzia

The Imposition of Sanctions on the Beluz Socialist Republic act seems poised to fail in the Rijksdag after it failed to draw the necessary 201 seats required by a provision in the law implemented during its drafting as a means to show unanimity in the face of threats from the Beluz Socialist Republic. The Communist Party of Darnussia (CPD) is the only party to oppose the sanctions, claim that there exists no threat from Beluzia to justify the sanctions.

"The Communists, once again, fail to recognize reality," said a visibly irate Nationalist Party of Narikaton (NPN) Kanselier Xander Aveskamp at a conference called shortly after the Communists' announcement of opposition. "With this single blow, they have done tremendous and irresponsible harm to our ability to conduct sane foreign policy. At the mere mention of sanctions from our Republic and from Dorvik and other states in the Artanian Union the extremist regime of Beluzia began to see reason and offered terms upon which they would drop their support for terrorist groups like the Soldiers of the Peoples' Dawn. [Foreign Minister] Liesbeth [Maessen] is on her way as we speak to negotiate with the Dorvish and the rest of the Artanian Union. Now that our sanctions have been hobbled by this Communist sabotage, her position will be remarkably weakened."

Experts agree with the head of government's assessment, stating that the threat of sanctions were key in bringing the Beluzians to the table, though few expected the Communists to ever support sanctions, as heavily smattered with anti-communist language as the sanctions act was. Some believe that the government actually wanted the Communists to oppose it precisely so that the Left could be painted as saboteurs and irresponsible idealists.

The government will, however, take actions within its purview without the official backing of the Rijksdag. A strong no-travel advisory remains in effect, and the Kanselier's office has directed the Finance Ministry to undertake audits on some of the largest Beluzian corporations operating in the Republic in order to ensure that no funds are being directed toward the anti-Republican terrorist cell known as the SPD.

Foreign Minister Maessen will continue her discussions with the Dorvish and the Artanian Union, and her office stated that "all of Artania now thoroughly understands the organizational and infiltrative prowess of the international communist movement. It is believed that the Republican government is happy overall with the proposed treaty suggested by the Beluz communists, as it would directly eliminate many of the grievances the Republican government has with that regime, primarily its willingness to allow terrorists to operation within Beluzia's borders, and its hopes to undermine democratically elected non-communist Artanian regimes. It remains unclear, however, given the Communists' sabotage of the Republic's full sanctions bill, whether or not that offer will remain as attractive or if it will be dramatically amended.
I once was full of promise. Oops.
The artist formerly known as Zanz, Troll King, Scourge of Dynastia and Confidant of IdioC
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Re: Voice of Narikaton

Postby Sir Thomas Hill » Thu Jul 30, 2015 4:30 pm

Kern celebrates as deficit is wiped out
- 145bn DR cuts with a large tax rise led to a new budget surplus
- Henrik van der Beek credited with pushing through vital reforms
- Kern Leader, Joosten, says move has put his party at the "heart" of recovery.


MERENBURG - The Finance Secretary has confirmed that the Government's budgetary deficit has now been eliminated and that Narikaton and Darnussia have now got a large surplus. In a political victory for the Core, Henrik van der Beek, the Deputy Leader of Kern, announced that his plan for 140bn DR in cuts to Government departments combined with changes to taxation structures have allowed a 47bn DR surplus to be created.

The elimination of the budget deficit has been a key target for the Core, supported through the legislature by their Coalition colleagues in the NPN. The Nationalists, however, expressed concern at the size of the new surplus. The Finance Secretary has pledged to work with them to decide how it should be handled. It is understood that Kern Leader Jaap Joosten, who served in the cabinet as Health Secretary, is keen for the money to be partially set-aside for the creation of a police force. However the Nationalists have resisted calls from both the Core and the Communist Party to create a pan-national service, either according to the community-based structure proposed by Kern or the mixed system proposed by the CPD.

Negotiations on that aspect will start soon, however Kern are keen to focus on this moment of celebration which their party leader says puts them as the "heart of the national recovery".
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