
National news threads that host the key national news outlets for each of the game’s countries.

Re: Talmorian Press

Postby The Wave » Tue Aug 11, 2015 12:02 am

Israist Commonwealth Formed

A new Legislature has come into power. The Vanguard has total control of this legislature and is now preparing to formally oust the Supreme Commander, and to form a "Holy Israist Republic".

The Vanguard intends to begin the reforms within the next year, but also stated that it's focus is still on "destroying and defeating the Nationalist government".

Supreme Commander Attempts to Flee Nation

The Supreme Commander fled for the border today following more loses for his forces. The Vanguard is drawing close to the Leader. The escape attempt was blocked by Israist citizens who discovered the attempt and interupted it. The Supreme Commander and his NTG have been pinned down in Nordenburg, and the Vanguard has them surrounded. Full victory is on the horizon.

RFF Fighters Make Gains

The Vanguard has been focusing almost all of it's forces on defeating the Supreme Commander, and the RFF has taken that opportunity to strike against the Vanguard and achieve victories. The RFF now controls all of Binduro, and has begun to launch attacks on Zargovo. The RFF continues to grow in size as more and more Rajasthanis become fearful of the Vanguard's intentions.

Map of the Commonwealth
The Wave
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Re: Talmorian Press

Postby The Wave » Tue Aug 11, 2015 3:17 pm

The Fall of Nordenburg

March 3890 Today Nordenburg has fell to the Israist Vanguard. The Supreme Commander, fearing of what they may do to him, committed suicide along with many other members of the former TNP government. The NTG(National Talmorian Guard) has scattered, but has also sworn revenge on the Vanguard for the Supreme Commander's death.

The RFF Agrees to Begin Negotiations

The RFF has agreed to sit down with the Vanguard and consider a peace treaty. The RFF said that they would not settle for anything less than "full rights for all non-Israists under the law".
The Wave
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Re: Talmorian Press

Postby The Wave » Tue Aug 11, 2015 7:55 pm

The Treaty of Nova Ludor

April 3890 After a month of deliberation the Treaty of Nova Ludor has been signed. The RFF leaders had the following to say about the treaty.

We believe that this treaty will prevent the abuse of non-Israists under the rule of the Vanguard, and will protect the rights of non-Israists. This is a great sign of the Vanguard's ability to compromise, an ability that we feared that they would not have.

Treaty Provisions

The Vanguard has agreed not to strip voting or citizenship rights from non-Israists

The RFF ends fighting

The RFF is allowed to keep weapons

The Vanguard's government is recognized fully

Peace is to be maintained by all means necessary.
The Wave
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Re: Talmorian Press

Postby The Wave » Fri Aug 14, 2015 9:07 pm

The Israist Vanguard Prepares to Dissolve

After the Halife gains control in Talmoria the Vanguard will dissolve. Many members of the Vanguard have planned the formation of a new political party. However many members of the Vanguard will retire to a life of servitude to the almighty Halife Fareed Okafor.

Pan-Ahmadi Legion Formed by Former Vanguard Members

The Pan-Ahmadi legion is a political movement formed by former members of the Israist Vanguard. The group hopes to join ahmadis of all denominations, Abadi and Israist (Queranzariah). The Pan-Ahmadi Legion has pledged to form a Pan-Ahmadi Caliphate, and to fight to end sectarian divide between Abadi's and Israists. The PAL (Pan-Ahmadi Legion) has pledged to break down the barriers that divide the Ahmadi word and to lift up all that worship Akim.

The party also pledged to uphold the Vanguard's principles of socialism.

The PAL Pledges to Truly Make Talmoria an Ahmadi State

The Pan-Ahmadi Legion has pledged to convert all non-Ahmadi's or exile them. This position is much different than the Vanguard's previous stance, and has already incited outrage among Rajasthani people. The RFF has already began raids against the PAL's political camps. The RFF has pledged to "destroy all who seek to destroy us." The PAL said that "the inferior Rajasthani have three choices. Convert and be enlightened, leave our nation, or forfeit citizenship and remain in our nation as non-citizens." It appears that another Civil War is on the Horizon.
The Wave
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Re: Talmorian Press

Postby The Wave » Sat Aug 15, 2015 8:59 pm

The PAL Grants Telamon Permission to Take Non-Ahmadi Refugees

The PAL has granted Telamon permission to transport non-ahmadis from Talmoria to Telamon. However, RFF fighters have now pledged to attack any Telamonians who try to transport any non-ahmadis. The RFF is a Rajasthani, non-ahmadi, rebel group, but they see the moving of non-ahmadis as a surrender. They refuse to allow the PAL to maintain in control of Talmoria. They have, however, agreed to negotiate with Telamonians to create a plan that only removes some women and children so that they do not have to experience the terrors of war.

I will RP as the RFF and the PAL for right now. I would be happy to turn over RP rights for the RFF to someone who I feel can be trusted to properly RP it.
The Wave
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Re: Talmorian Press

Postby The Wave » Sun Aug 16, 2015 2:53 am

The RFF Asks that the Telamonian Government Stop Taking Rajasthani Refugees

The RFF leadership council has asked the Telamonian government to stop the transport of non-ahmadis from Talmoria. The RFF said that the transports were "only aiding the PAL in thier quest to force us out of our homeland". Instead the RFF asked for the Telamonian government to help them in their fight against the PAL.
The Wave
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Re: Talmorian Press

Postby The Wave » Sun Aug 16, 2015 5:13 pm

Citizenship to Be Stripped From Non-Ahmadis

The PAL has shown no intention of sticking to the agreement between the RFF and the Israist Vanguard. The PAL has now proposed a stripping of citizenship from all non-ahmadis. With total control of government the proposal will likely become law.

The Pan-Ahmadi Legion Capture 8 High Ranking Members of the RFF

September 3892 The Rajasthani Freedom Force (RFF) was caught off an PAL attack today. The PAL raided a house in Zargovo that was housing 8 high ranking RFF members. The PAL has taken this members prisoner and has issued the following message.

Hello Ahmadi Brothers,

Today we have captured 8 infidels that have conspired against our almighty Halife. We must show them that they can not get away with this. On September 15th we will publicly decapitate these infidels, to send a message to all those that conspire against us.
The Wave
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Re: Talmorian Press

Postby The Wave » Mon Aug 17, 2015 3:31 am

After Long Delay The RFF Leaders Are Executed

December 3892 The government has held the RFF leaders for 4 months and has continuously delayed their execution. The government released the men yesterday, but they were released into a crowd of angry ahmadi radicals.. The citizens dragged the RFF leaders through the streets and decapitated them on the steps of the capitol building. The government stood by as the men were executed but has stated that they were "not involved in any way with the executions" and that they simply "released the men as requested".

The Halife Calls the Trigunian and Telamonian Naval Exercises
"A Threat to Ahmadism"

The Halife called the exercises "threatening and scary for ahmadis around the world". He also stated that he hopes the Foriegn nations do not "overstep their bounds". The Halife called out to ahmadis around the world to "come together and fight against the anti-ahmadi forces that hope to destroy our culture".
The Wave
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Postby CanFly » Mon Aug 17, 2015 3:51 am

The Talmorian Socialist League has risen again as the Israist Socialist League under the leadership of Yasser ibn Haroun al-Abdulrashid. The party disentergrated after failure to select a new leader following the death of Haroun ibn Omer ibn Abyan al-Dak. Chairman al-Abdulrashid has previously served as Minister of Foreign Affairs from 3861 to 3864. Al-Abdulrashid is optimistic that the ISL will pick up seats in the Şura in 3897.
Call me Eagle!

(Controller of House Nordenburg/Neuhaus of Talmoria)

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Re: Talmorian Press

Postby The Wave » Mon Aug 17, 2015 2:21 pm

Telamonese Ship Overran, More than 1000 dead
Women and Children Raped and Killed

March 2nd 3893 Today more than 1000 people (Roughly 400 Women, 300 young males and 300 young females) entered the Telamonese ship. However, the Talmorian government provided no protection for the ships and within minutes thousands of angry Ahmadi Radicals armed with machetes and handguns arrived at the scene. The mob of Ahmadis was at first kept back by Telamonese Marines.

But 10 minutes into the loading process an RPG was fired from a nearby building. The RPG hit the ship and caused panic amongst the women and children who were boarding. The Ahmadi radicals used the chaos as an opportunity to begin the charge. Within minutes the mob had overrun the ship and captured the people on board. The Telamonese Marines were decapitated and thrown overboard. The male children were massacred and their bodies tossed into the water.

The Rajasthani females were raped and after the radicals spent more than 6 hours on the boat the women were all massacred. The mob walked off the boat and was not at all pursued by any law enforcement and the event has been completely ignored by the ahmadi government.

The government has, however, asserted that it was in no way affiliated with the event.

Halife Speaks Out About Ship Attack

March 3rd 3893
My Ahmadi Brothers,

I am disgusted with what I witnessed today. Many infidels deserve to die, but the rape is unacceptable. It is for this reason that I am suspending the police chief of Kabo Venko. His inaction was wrong, and Akim would not approve. I assure the world that this event is not representative of our Pan-Ahmadi movement or the Pan-Ahmadi Legion.
The Wave
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