Requests: Cultural Protocols - CPs

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Re: Cultural Protocol Approvals

Postby Aquinas » Wed Oct 07, 2015 10:31 pm

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Re: Cultural Protocol Approvals

Postby Aquinas » Mon Oct 19, 2015 10:53 pm

Baltusia and Likatonia have been moved to "Culturally Open" status.
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Re: Cultural Protocol Approvals

Postby knizar » Wed Oct 28, 2015 3:54 pm

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Re: Cultural Protocol Approvals

Postby Aquinas » Wed Oct 28, 2015 5:33 pm

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Re: Cultural Protocol Approvals

Postby SelucianCrusader » Tue Nov 10, 2015 11:02 pm

Update for Pontesi: ... lid=451963 :)

For background information and reasoning, check the tread: viewtopic.php?f=5&t=6469
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Re: Cultural Protocol Approvals

Postby Aquinas » Tue Nov 10, 2015 11:52 pm

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Re: Cultural Protocol Approvals

Postby Aquinas » Tue Nov 17, 2015 2:23 am

Following some misunderstandings, these Cultural Protocols for Barmenia have been retrospectively accepted as official.

If I may, a reminder to everyone: in order for Cultural Protocols to become official, they have to go through two stages:

a) A Cultural Protocols bill has to be passed by a 2/3rds majority of players with seats in the nation

b) Moderation has to approve the Cultural Protocols bill (and will then insert it into the Cultural Protocols Index).

Please do not forget (b)! Until we approve it, it aint official!
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Re: Cultural Protocol Approvals

Postby Aquinas » Sun Nov 22, 2015 12:45 am


sotearchann wrote:Update to Cultural Protocols: ... lid=453659


Following years of internal turmoil and the rise and fall of the Ahmadists and the al-Sadhi regimes, Kafuristan had been plunged into nearly a 50 years of strife and civil war between the numerous warring tribes and warlords that clamored to fill the power vacuum. The unrest in the country proved to be troublesome especially on the Southern Border with Solentia - as marauding bands of tribal groups used the border to their advantage in fighting the remaining national forces.

In March of 3931, with the approval of Solentian President Malcolm-Maxwell, the Chann family with its immense wealth (achieved through centuries of lucrative government contracts with Solentia) began to employ Chann Defense Industries (largest defense contractor with Solentia) to produce and deploy a private army that invaded from the Southern Border and norther regions of Solentia.

al-Kasraj, being fairly close to the Southern Border and left defenseless during the years of civil war, fell within days to the Chann Liberation Army under the leadership of High General Rithisak Chann. The President and Cabinet were deposed and the High General installed himself as president and appointed his officers into the cabinet position.

In the mid 3930s, the Ahmadists launched a party and recaptured 3 of the 5 provinces (including the new capital Zerin in Jerz'har) - leading in a resurgence of Ahmadist control under the Jabhah al-Sha`biyah li-Tahrir al-Qalb. In a foiled attempt to block the opposition party from power for another 7 years, High Chancellor Rithisak Chann had called an early election. However, the Jabhah al-Sha`biyah li-Tahrir al-Qalb beat the Chancellor partially by obtaining 72 of the new 100 seat senate, leaving the CLA with 38.

Still in control of the government and able to push through a military conscription bill, High Chancellor Chann drafted thousands upon thousands of soldiers into the national military to deploy against the Ahmadists.

However, the Jabhah al-Sha`biyah li-Tahrir al-Qalb were unable to unite behind a single presidential candidate and thus High Chancellor Chann won re-election and kept in place in the same government that he had instated. The Jabhah al-Sha`biyah li-Tahrir al-Qalb, despite their powerful majority, were shy of the 2/3 needed to strip the chancellor of his power to propose a cabinet. This led to the Jabhah al-Sha`biyah li-Tahrir al-Qalb disillusionment as they abstained from voting on many bills (allowing passage) and eventually led to the dissolution of the Jabhah al-Sha`biyah li-Tahrir al-Qalb in 3939.

Well, to begin with, I should probably congratulate you on presenting me with one of the most interesting Cultural Protocol update requests I've had to investigate! You're clearly a keen player, and I hope we're going to be seeing more of you.

Having said that...I'm having difficulty accepting the case for the update you are proposing. Your proposal makes quite significant changes from the current Cultural Protocol (which was passed less than 60IG years ago).

Some points:

a) You have proposed reducing the Majatran/Arab population from 70% to 55%. That's a 15% fall - which is a big ask. I do not doubt you have a case for some amount of reduction, given the role-play (RP) you have done with the Chann regime. But can you justify a drop as big as 15%, considering the regime has only been in power for 10 years? (And in real life terms, you've been there 3 weeks.)

b) Can you show me evidence of RP in Solentia which would support the claim that Solentia effectively gave Chann Defence Industries permission to use Solentia as a base for organising a private invasion of Kafuristan? If you could demonstrate this, your case would seem stronger.

c) Your proposed changes to the religious demographics are even larger, with Ahmadism scheduled to fall from 90% to 65% - a fall of 25%. That is a very steep decline; can you justify it? I realise the Channs are a more secular regime than what Kafuristan has sometimes had in the past, but even so, the Channs have only been in power for 10 years - and religious populations have a tendency to hold onto their beliefs rather stubbornly!

d) Given the current Cultural Protocols detail the breakdown of Ahmadis by the different sects, Kafuristan's next Cultural Protocols should probably do the same. Especially since Ahmadis make up such a large portion of the population in Kafuristan.

e) If the "Channese" are to make up a significant part of Kafuristan's population, then I think we need to know a little more about them than "Gao Showan's of Solentian origin". In particular, what language(s) do they speak, and how should a player go about naming Channese characters (Chinese? Indian?...)?
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Re: Cultural Protocol Approvals

Postby Polites » Fri Dec 18, 2015 1:06 pm

In light of the Moderation request for a simpler and more accessible update to the Cildanian Cultural Protocols, and keeping in mind the agreement with Moderation that making Maltese become Cildania's primary language would be an acceptable way of achieving that, I was wondering whether these could work as an intermediate step towards that end-goal. They're still a little WIP, but they represent what I had in mind for Cildania's current cultural composition.

Main differences from the current version:

1. The Punics, Berbers, African Romans, Maghrebi Jews, and Maghrebi Arabs are grouped together under a unified "Cildanian" label, defined as "Maghrebi", and justified by the breakdown in ethnic self-identification since the Civil War, as well as the consequences of the current Hebilean Spring/Cildanian Winter RP. Additionally, the group includes an "Other" category, grouping ethnically mixed people and those who do not identify strongly with any of the sub-ethnicities within the group. The goal is to have this "Other" demographic become the most numerous in the next update and the future carriers of the Maltese language.
2. The proportion of the above-mentioned ethnic groups was reduced from 97% to 89%, primarily as a result of the Civil War (accounting for civilian deaths and likely refugees).
3. The Punics/Phoenicians were reduced from 66% to 44%, primarily due to the rise of the aforementioned "Other" category, as well as a result of the Civil War. The ethnicity was renamed as "Qildari", allowing for the term "Cildanian" to be used with its new definition.
4. Increase of Hebileans (Berbers) from 14% to 18%, accounting for decades of Hebilean independence.
5. Yeudis reduced from 9% to 5%, because they were never really RPd.
6. A 2% increase for Selucians, because of the Selucian minority regime before the Civil War.
7. Majatrans increased from 3% to 9%, primarily because of mass immigration of Hosian Badarans (RPd here and I think in some other places as well).
8. Minorities from neighbouring nations introduced, because of common sense.
9. Slight tinkering with religious demographics without major changes.
10. Cildania was given a clearer and more coherent identity as the game's equivalent of the Greater Maghreb region, with an emphasis on its pre-Islamic cultures and with some Levantine influences.
11. The comparatively easier to use Berber, Latin, and Arabic languages are now elevated to the status of primary languages, in addition to the frustratingly difficult Phoenician. Vulgar Latin and Maghrebi Arabic are also introduced as the local varieties of those languages, paving the way for the future introduction of Maltese.

The point of this update is to set the stage for the future Maltification of Cildania without it seeming too drastic and sudden. The future update will use the same "ingredients", just with different ordering and primacy. I also figured it would be unfair to keep Cildania locked with a largely unusable primary language until the Maltification RP takes place, especially since I haven't been very active lately.

So, would this be a reasonable and acceptable update to the Cultural Protocols of Cildania? They will both make the culture more accessible, and make the future update easier to digest.
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Re: Cultural Protocol Approvals

Postby Aquinas » Fri Dec 18, 2015 4:35 pm

That would be fine. The only thing I will insist is that, in accordance with the rules, the Cultural Protocols bill should include information on character naming, and links to help players with character naming - and that all of this should be reasonably easy to understand and to use.
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